The FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2016 will take place at the regional headquarters of "Ordem dos Engenheiros", in Coimbra (the Portuguese Engineers Professional Association)
Ordem dos Engenheiros (Coimbra) | Rua Antero de Quental, nº 107, 3000-032 COIMBRA |Phone.: +351 239 855 190
| Coordinates: 40.210734°, -8.418913°
Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE, Portuguese Engineers Association) is a public professional association that dates back to the 19th century, being the heiress of the Portuguese Association of Civil Engineers, founded in 1868.
Its main mission is to contribute to the progress of engineering, stimulating the efforts of its members in scientific, professional and social areas, as well as complying with rules of ethics and professional deontology. It is independent of State bodies and has administrative, financial, scientific and regulatory autonomy.
On the 31st of December, 2012, the OE had nearly 47.000 registered members, which makes it the second largest professional association in Portugal.
The OE is the only Portuguese institution that can assign the professional title of Engineer, granting titles and levels of professional qualification.
Members of the order are grouped in colleges, according to the expertise. There are twelve colleges: Mechanical, Agronomy, Environment, Civil, Electrical, Geographical, Chemical and Biological, Naval Architecture, Materials, Computer Science, Geology and Mining and Forest.
The "Colégio Nacioonal de Engenharia Geográfica" is the spetialised college within OE gathering engineers with backgrounds on land surveying and hydrographical engineering.